Gavin jancke, lynn powers, darren gehring, rick gutierrez, ann paradiso, larry zitnick, chuck. You see the larger plumbago everywhere here, but i dont know about the dwarf. The scientific name of a blue plumbago is plumbago auriculata, with auriculata referring to the earshaped leaves. Leaves are alternate, simple, entire, oblong or oblongspatulate, up to 5 centimeters long, with the base tapering to a short petiole. Auriculata means earshaped and refers to the leaf base. Flower of plumba go use and management needing full sun for best growth and flowering, plumbago will grow on any fertile, welldrained soil, becoming droughttolerant once established. Plumbago plumbago auriculata wilson landscape, nursery. We try to use plumbago in part shade situations because the plant is not as drought tolerant in full sun and seems to enjoy the occasional shade. Royal cape plumbago plum bay go a rik u lay ta spring summer fall winter family. Uses, benefits, cures, side effects, nutrients in plumbago auriculata. Plumbago is a genus of 1020 species of flowering plants in the family plumbaginaceae, native to warm temperate to tropical regions of the world. Plumbago auriculata is a flowering shrub naturalized in subtropical to tropical portions of the u. Names of plumbago auriculata in various languages of the world are also given. Plumbago auriculata, also known commonly as blue plumbago, cape plumbago, cape leadwort and skyflower, is a roothardy perennial in our houston gardens.
Unless you will be rooting them indoors, make the cuttings in fall or spring so the rootings benefit from mild temperatures while they become established. It will cascade down a retaining wall, showing off the unusual blue flowers. Plumbago auriculata lam belongs to plumbaginaceae, treated as ornamental as well as medicinal plant contains a very potent secondary metabolite, plumbagin having many therapeutic properties. The name plumbago is derived from plumbum meaning lead, referring to it being a supposed cure for lead poisoning. Plumbago university of florida, institute of food and. An evergreen shrub with light green, soft foliage and continual flushes of phlox like flowers throughout spring and summer. Gujarat forestry research foundation, indroda park, ayurvedic udyan. Plumbago can be affected by tiny insects called chilli thrips, which cause the leaves to look curled and stunted. Plumbago a hedge plant that requires work garden hedge. Plumbago, plumbago auriculata, cape leadwort philippine. Plant details information about plumbago auriculata plant. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Cuttings should be 3 to 4 inches long, taken just below a leaf node, recommends.
Sometimes called sky flower because of the skyblue color of its flowers. The current study aimed to investigate new antiobesity drugs from plumbago europaea and plumbago auriculata through the. Please practice handwashing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times. Citrus swallowtail papilio demodocus feeds regularly on plumbago auriculata. The specific epithet auriculata means with ears, referring to the shape of the leaves synonyms. Plumbago auriculata herb uses, benefits, cures, side. New capabilities include inifinte paper and handwriting beautification, which are both capabilities unique to the digital domain. Provided by smithsonian institution, department of botany.
It is a weakstemmed perennial evergreen shrub that grows 67 tall and 810 wide in its native habitat. Plumbago is an exploration into how surface can expand upon that simple and intuitive interface of the original. A pipevine swallowtail battus philenor is nectaring on a flower. The institute of food and agricultural sciences ifas is an equal opportunity institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with nondiscrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. Leaves may yellow on soils with a high ph, indicating mineraldeficiency. I would like to know if dwarf plumbago plumbaginoidesis a good plant for orlando, fl zone 9b. Bearing sprays of beautiful pale blue flowers not unlike phlox, plumbago auriculata also know as cape leadwort is a popular garden plant that grows best in usda zones 8b 11. The institute of food and agricultural sciences ifas is an equal opportunity institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license. To keep it in check requires a lot of work with the shears and clippers.
Plumbago auriculata imperial blue at san marcos growers. Plumbago does get touched by frost occasionally in the tampa area where i live, but i cant recall losing one in the many years weve had them. Plumbago, cape leadwort plumbago auriculata is a nectar source for many types of butterflies and a larval host for several. Light blue flower clusters from late spring intermittently through fall. Cape plumbago was once a popular landscape shrub in the later half of the 20 th century. Convert and create pdf from various types of files like word doc, excel xls, powerpoint ppt. Plants profile for plumbago auriculata cape leadwort. Plumbago naturally scrambles up nearby trees, but can be grown as a groundcover, clipped into a hedge, espalier or topiary. Easily spreads up to five feet wide while reaching three feet tall. Pdf plants with hermaphrodite flowers risk conflict between male and female sexual function due to close proximity of sexual organs. Plumbago plumbago auriculata a scrambling semiclimber or shrub popular as a garden ornamental to 2m tall often used as a hedge specimen. Species of the plumbaginaceae are of ornamental and medicinal importance.
Plumbago auriculata plumbago, cape plumbago, sky flower. How plumbago auriculata is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Pdf heterostyly and pollinators in plumbago auriculata. Vigorous climber suitable for pots and tubs in the conservatory or as a greenhouse climber on trellis. Makes a good shrub substitute in warmer months and looks nice under the light shade of live oak trees or areas partially shaded by tall. Stem cuttings for plumbago should not have flowers. Plumbago auriculata plumbago, cape plumbago, sky flower1 edis.
Louis, it more typically will grow per year and is often kept relatively compact through periodic. Periodic pruning is necessary to keep the shape of the plant, if so desired. Wikispecies has information related to plumbago flora of chile. Full size picture of plumbago, cape leadwort plumbago. Plumbago auriculata from burncoose nurseries available online to buy information. Plumbago is fastgrowing and spreas rapidly it will scramble into trees if allowed and, depending on the size and style of your garden, you may need to control it. The other, ceratostigma plumbaginoides is a fully hardy groundcover. Plumbago plumbago auriculata university of florida. Tender perennial with profuse blue flowers which thrives in the hot texas summer.
How to care for your plumbago auriculata dengarden. What links here related changes upload file special pages permanent link page. Originally discovered in south africa in the 18th century, thanks to the dutch east india trade company, it has been taken around the world and now grows in florida, california, australia, spain, and other countries around the mediterranean basin. The flowers attract large numbers of butterflies299. With that in mind, texas adapted plumbago is a stellar pick for many landscapes. Plumbago auriculata plumbago page 3 october 1999 figure 3. Several species of plumbago are cultivated, including p. Its also freeze tender, but damaged growth can be pruned off in spring and plants should recover quickly.
The plumbago plant plumbago auriculata, also known as the cape plumbago or sky flower, is actually a shrub and in its natural surroundings can grow 6 to 10 feet tall with a spread of 8 to 10 feet. Pre evaluation report for plumbago auriculata plant risk evaluator. Flowering all spring, summer, and early autumn, it is cut down by frost but will regrow the following spring. Like abelia, plumbago is known for its arching branches which quickly grow outside the main bun of the plant.
Over 151 plumbago auriculata pictures to choose from, with no signup needed. I have a plumbago planted in my yard in union city. Its important to note the potential size of this sprawling, cascading shrub its rather large. The difference is that the first leadwort blooms all summer long while the second only makes blooms in fall. View picture of plumbago species, blister leaf, blue plumbago, cape leadwort plumbago auriculata at daves garden. Permission is granted to copy, distribute andor modify this document under the terms of the gnu free documentation license, version 1. Plumbago, cape leadwort, bhuro chitrak plant family. Plumbago auriculata thumbnail pictures cuyamaca college. List of various diseases cured by plumbago auriculata. Its blue flowers will really pop out in the summer and will complement well other similar colored plantings.
All of the nurseries ive checked around here only have the large, wild plumbago that spreads 4 or 5 feet wide. You do need to prune them once the chance of frost is past to pretty them up and kickstart the growing process. Fps487 plumbago auriculata plumbago, cape plumbago, sky flower1 edward f. Plumbago is excellent as a foundation planting or when used in planters. Nowadays, its popularity in phoenix has waned like a pair of red ball jets sneakers. Blooms more in full sun but is attractive in partshade. Plumbago auriculata imperial blue blue cape plumbago an upright climbing evergreen shrub that reaches 68 feet tall with long whip like branches that arch outward holding 2 inch long oblong yellow green leaves that darken with age. Plumbago auriculata, commonly called cape leadwort or cape plumbago, native to south africa.
Aug 8, 2014 full size picture of plumbago, cape leadwort plumbago auriculata aug 8, 2014 full size picture of plumbago, cape leadwort plumbago auriculata stay safe and healthy. Plumbago plumbago auriculata perennial best known for its large clusters of blue flowers spring to fall. Plumbago auriculata grows in the warmer climates of the world. Pdf converter is a online webbased document to pdf converter software. The blue or white flowers are tubular with 5 petals or lobes, have glandular sticky hairs and are held in short spikes or racemes at the ends of the branches.
Plumbago auriculata, the cape leadwort, blue plumbago or cape plumbago, is a species of flowering plant in the family plumbaginaceae, native to south africa the specific epithet auriculata means with ears, referring to the shape of the leaves. Investigation of the antiobesity and antioxidant properties of wild. Plumbago auriculata is a semiclimbing, diffusely branched perennial shrub, growing to 2 meters. Common names include plumbago and leadwort names which are also shared by the genus ceratostigma. It has also been sheared into a hedge, but most of the flowers are removed at each pruning. It has a semiclimbing nature and will clamber over other shrubs unless it is kept trimmed. This document is fps487, one of a series of the environmental horticulture department, ufifas extension. This small rambling shrub offers up a bounty of blue flower clusters irresistible to both butterflies and gardeners. Plumbago auriculata, the cape leadwort, blue plumbago or cape plumbago, is a species of. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled gnu free documentation license.
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